Eating our Way through Calabria: From Crotone back to Salerno and on to Pompeii
Thursday, October 10, 2013
We began the day in Crotone with a tasty
breakfast overlooking the Ionian Sea. Soon we were on our way along a coastal
road. Our journey today was less than 100 kilometers so we were really able to
take our time and stop along the road to take a closer look at anything that
interested us. We soon found a side road that led us right into the heart of
some market gardening countryside. Hundreds of acres were planted with
fledgling plants with very fernlike leaves. We were curious what the plant was
since their seemed to be an inordinate number of them growing. They had mostly
been newly planted although some seemed to be a little more mature. We surmised
that in this climate there might be several plantings so as to always have
fresh food on hand.
Not far down the road we
encountered a team of people who were busily planting the fields. A tractor was
pulling a planting device on which there were three apertures to plant three
rows at a time. A person sat behind each aperture loading it with tiny plants
which were pressed into the soil at regular intervals. And, the plants all had
ferny leaves. We approached the driver of a truck loaded with palates of the
tiny plants and asked. Fennogia he told us. Hmmm ….. Later when we googled
translated we confirmed our suspicions that it was indeed fennel that was being
planted in such abundance. Does the fennel we buy at Zehrs come from Italy? It
must be exported because the people of Italy could not possible consume the
amount of fennel being grown here.
We were travelling high on a
plateau for several kilometres. From there, we were able to see green valleys,
all neatly planted with fenochia (fennel) and other vegetables. One the
hillsides were amazing groves of olive trees. And on the plateau itself there
were freshly ploughed fields that most likely had produced grain and corn crops
during the summer months. This is a great location to graze sheep and goats
before the fields are ploughed. And indeed, there they were, a substantial
mixed herd, the goats all wearing bells and clanging their arrival at the edge
of the road. But they did not stop there. The shepherd and the dog that were
with the herd guided them across the road. We are glad that we had already stopped
the car and were taking in the landscape. We happily watched as each animal
crossed the road, except for a couple which the shepherd went back to collect
(as every good shepherd should).
We drove along some pretty
little roads and admired the wonderfully straight rows of a variety of crops
that were in various stages of development. Something we noticed was the
interplanting of broccoli (we think) and lettuce. The lettuce will mature much more quickly
than the broccoli and when harvested will give the broccoli enough space to
expand as needed. A great way to utilize the same land twice.
All the while that we were
exploring the agriculture in the area, the glistening blue/green waters of the
Ionian Sea were within our sight. At times we were at sea level on wide plains
where crops were planted and at other times the road rose into the mountains
and clung to the edges as it weaved its way across the landscape. All the while
the sea was there. At one point, even today, we travelled through a lengthy tunnel
and when we emerged, the sea was there.
Like a magnet, the Ionian Sea
finally drew us to its shore. We found an entry to a long sand beach where the
water lapped the shores and was easily accessible with a short walk to paddle
in the water and feel the strength of the surf on our feet and legs. Jim
remained fully dressed, hat and shoes included, and waited for the wave action
to bring the water to him. It finally happened and he was able to get his hand
in and feel the temperature of the water. I was somewhat braver and kicked off
my shoes and chased the receding waves down a shallow embankment to a place
where the new waves would break and immerse me feet and legs in the water. It
felt delightful. I love the sensation of the water receding, feeling the pull
of the tide and the current as it flows back toward the sea. The water was
remarkably warm and certainly worthy of a swim. Maybe tomorrow if the sun
We drove into a coastal town
and were amazed to find a large market in operation. Sadly, we were just a bit
late and by the time we parked the car, many of the vendors were packing up
their wares. We wandered along the market stalls long enough to realize that it
was primarily a merchandise market and not a food market. Food markets are far
more interesting and colourful from our perspective. We did happen upon a little deli where we
were able to buy some delightful meat, cheese and bread for lunch. Sandwiches
made on a park bench by the seashore have a flavour all of their own.
We continued along the road
toward our destination enjoying the landscape. We reached our hotel in Soverato
about 3 pm and settled into another new room. The hotel was clean, friendly and
the internet worked well. All the important components taken care of!
And now all we had to do was
wait until 4:30 when the town would wake up again after its afternoon siesta.
In the meantime, we enjoyed a beautiful sea view from our window and sat out on
our balcony and watched life in the village unfold.
Much later, we headed out for
dinner in a highly acclaimed restaurant. Tuna carpaccio to start, followed by
sea bream for me and white fish in a tomato sauce for Jim. A wonderful bottle
of local red wine washed everything down. A delightful meal all round.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Our room affords a wonderful
view of the sea so when we awoke this morning, we were quick to move to the
shuttered window and open it wide. Imagine our surprise that an enormous market
with hundreds of vendors was underway right below our hotel. It was not long
before we had joined the throngs of people who were examining the products on
offer from various vendors.
The market nearest our hotel
was a goods market similar to the one we had encountered yesterday. In fact, we
wondered if some of the vendors were the same ones at both markets. This market
seemed much larger though and extended along several blocks on several streets.
We walked and walked and walked.
And then, by chance, we came
upon the food market. It was also very large, several more blocks of stalls displaying
the broadest range of local foods that we have seen at any market anywhere.
Fruits and vegetables were in great abundance as the harvest season is in full
swing. Everything from artichokes to zucchini were on offer. Nuts – filberts,
walnuts, chestnuts – were displayed in large baskets. Olives of every variety
imaginable. Mushrooms galore, many of which were new varieties to us. Fish –
fresh, salted, brined, preserved in oil. Sardines were particularly common,
available by the kilo from the open cans at the fish stalls. All sorts of deli
meats and cheeses were on display, often hung on strings from the awnings of
the stalls. Sun dried tomatoes and all manner of other tomatoes were available
from large bins. Hard fruits (apples, pears), soft fruits (Peaches, plums, nectarines),
citrus fruit (oranges, lemons) and, of course, several kinds of grapes were all
available and all grown locally. Zucchini flowers and cactus flowers were
available as were all sorts of bedding plants for those who wanted to plant
their own gardens. It did seem odd that these gardens would be planted in the
fall season instead of spring but the climate here remains mild all through the
winter. Suffice it to say that we spent
much time at this market and did not leave empty handed!
Following the market, we took
a drive into the countryside with no particular destination in mind, simply a
drive. It was a lovely day and we thoroughly enjoyed meandering along new
roads. Much of the time we were either travelling up a mountain slope or down a
mountain slope. If not up or down, then we were on a road that was clinging to
the edge of a mountain and closely following its contour as we made every bend
and twist. Only occasionally did we see another vehicle on the road. It was a
very pleasant drive.
Along the way, we passed
through some wonderful country villages with their churches perched on the
highest point and the bell towers reaching far into the sky. Some of the
villages had roadways that would only allow cars in one direction to pass
through at a time. Traffic signals controlled which direction cars could travel
at any given time.
School dismissed as we passed
through one town and we observed a universal phenomenon. Parents in cars were
lined up on both sides of the road as well as side streets to pick up their
children from school. Amazing!!
We stopped for lunch in a
tiny children’s park in one village. We had packed a picnic of items purchased
at the market earlier and we enjoyed the meat, cheese, bread and fruit that was
in our bag. It was pleasant to sit under the trees and enjoy the fresh air and
the view across a valley. What luxury to have time and opportunity to relax in
this way.
We made our way back to Soverato
just in time for me to go and have a manicure. The aesthetician spoke only
Italian so it was pretty quiet as she worked on my nails. We communicated when
necessary but otherwise we were both lost in our private thoughts. A happy
smile and a gratuity at the end was enough for both of us.
Just after I returned to our
hotel a big thunderstorm passed through. The wind blew and the rain fell. It
was pretty wild for a while. We simply remained in our room and watched from
the door onto our balcony. It was quite dramatic and fun (as long as we were inside
and dry).
It was still raining when we
went for dinner. We chose a nearby restaurant, Don Pedro, because it served
seafood. I had a mixed seafood grill that included swordfish, large prawns,
crab and calamari. Delicious, especially the crab! Jim ordered a seafood soup
which turned out to be a rich tomato based broth filled to the brim with
calamari. He said it was also delicious.
And now here we are preparing
to leave here tomorrow morning and head around the bottom of the ‘toes’ to
Reggio Calabria and then a bit further north to a resort town, Pizzo, where we
will spend the next two nights.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
We left Soverato right after
breakfast and enjoyed a leisurely and beautiful drive along the waterfront all
the way to Pizzo where we arrived several hours later. This route took us from
the ball of the foot, around the toes and onto the top of the foot by the time
we reached our destination.
Along the way, we were
charmed by the towns we passed through. How quiet they are early Saturday
morning. Shops do not seem to open until at least 10 and only then do the
streets become a little more active. It appears that errands are mostly done by
women and men occupy benches and café tables all along the street fronts. It
rained intermittently this morning and it was comical to see small groups of
men gathered in doorways and under awnings for protection from the passing
In the town of Roccella
Ionica, we came upon two sites that became highlights of our journey. The first
was the vision of a medieval castle and an ancient church, Mother Church of
Saint Nicholas of Bari, rising high above the landscape on a very, very steep
precipice. It held court over all the land from its position of prominence. A
bit incongruous was the crane that rose beside the ancient building. It seems
the restoration of the castle is underway. The entire area was identified as an
historical site and the gates were locked so we were not able to explore more
What we did have a chance to
explore, also in Roccella Ionica, was a community cemetery. Due to the
proximity to the sea, all burials were above ground in a structure resembling a
sarcophagus. These tombs are engraved with the name of the person along with
the dates of birth and death. Most graves also had a framed photo of the person
who was interred there. Often fresh flowers were placed in vases on top of the
grave as well as other momentoes of the person’s life, even years after death.
As with cemeteries in Canada, sometimes these fresh flowers are not changed
often enough and dry out in the vases.
Something that we found quite
interesting was that, as the land gets used up in the cemetery, new multistory
family plots are available. We were fascinated by the design of these
structures, often house-like in appearance with several layers of graves
enclosed in each one, often up to 18 – 20 graves. Each structure had a ‘house
like’ appearance and several designs were available in each cemetery.
Truthfully, the collection of buildings took on the appearance of a community
of miniature homes with a variety of landscaping, colour, roof lines and
overall design. It was also a statement of cultural expectations that families
over several generations would all be buried together in one location.
We have noticed that many
businesses here in Italy are family affairs, whether it be a shop, a hotel, a
restaurant etc. Often generations of the same family fulfill various roles
within the business. Thus, families do seem to remain in close proximity over a
long period of time.
What was most beautiful about
the route we travelled today was the proximity to unspoiled stretches of
waterfront. Calabria, the area of Italy right at the toe of the country, has
not yet fallen prey to commercialized tourism. That may change over the next
few years as attributes such as beautiful seasides, wonderful landscapes and
delicious cuisine are more aggressively marketed within Italy and indeed, the
travelling world. But for today, Calabria remains an undiscovered gem. Long
expanses of beautiful beaches were unoccupied. We travelled along mile after
mile of aquamarine water, unsullied by condos, hotels, restaurants, theme parks
or any other element of tourism. An undiscovered gem!
We stopped for a coffee just
outside of Reggio di Calabria and were delighted to have happened upon an
incredible patisserie where the array of sweet morsels to tempt us was amazing.
We each had a cappuccino and a single cookie. But before we left the shop, we
had relented and purchased a few more for the road ahead.
Early in the afternoon, we
arrived in the larger city of Reggio di Calabria. Because it was siesta time,
there was very little traffic and we enjoyed our drive through the centre of
town and down to the port area with very little worry about traffic. Siesta
really means that you are not open for business and you are not on the streets.
We are still not sure where everyone goes. We parked the car along the
promenade on the waterfront and munched on a picnic lunch of Calabrian salami
and cheese while we enjoyed the view of Sicily across the narrow straight
separating the mainland from the island. So close, but Sicily does not fit into
our plans this time.
We left the coastal highway
and took the autostrade the rest of the way to Pizzo. What we expected to be a
rather mundane trip turned out to be another part of our Italian adventure as
the road climbed higher and higher into the mountains and we passed through a
myriad of tunnels along the way. The longest tunnel was more than 2.5
kilometres in length.
Something that has surprised
us about Italy is just how much of the terrain is actual mountains. I think I
have mentioned this before but it continues to astound us. Tall rugged
mountains make up most of the landscape from the north all the way to the
south. We have encountered very little land that would be considered flat (a
few coastal plains) and very little land that would be considered gently
rolling valleys. For the most part, the landscape is rugged, the valleys deep
and steep and the seaside is peppered with sheer cliffs falling to the shore.
Agriculture in all areas is eked out on whatever bits of land are arable with
the potential of cultivation, often by hand. No wonder Italians pride
themselves on their food and its production. It is a very challenging task to
grow food successfully in Italy. Calabria is a place of great variety and and
great success in agriculture and the range of foods available is a testament to
We arrived at the Marinella
Hotel in Pizzo in the late afternoon. We were warmly greeted by the staff and
settled into our very comfortable room. One of the mundane tasks that lie ahead
of us here was to do laundry. Jim approached the man at the reception desk to
inquire about a nearby Laundromat. Jim was told to put his money away … that
the man would put our clothing into the hotel washing machine and do the
laundry in house. We were surprised at the offer and only offered up our
laundry bag after the man came and knocked on our door to ask for it. We went
to have dinner at the hotel restaurant and by the time we returned to our room,
our laundry was washed, dried, folded and back in our room! You talk about
amazing service. We had heard that about this hotel but that was over the top!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Breakfast and then into the
car. We were taking a drive today on some of the byroads of Calabria along the
eastern coast. We thoroughly enjoyed our drive south to Tropea, a town set high
up on a cliff overlooking the sea.
We had not been on the road
long when we encountered our first event of the day. It happened that today in
Pizzo, there was a reenactment of a battle based on Napoleonic history and we
were able to see a sailing ship being readied for battle by sailors and
soldiers alike who were all dressed for battle in period costume. Great crowds
of onlookers had gathered for the event and, nestled into the castle turret
high above the town square, was a guardsman equipped with bayonet ensuring that
the crowd remained orderly and well behaved.
A short time later, we drove from
Pizzo along the coastal road to Tropea. It was a lovely drive, mostly at sea
level although no drive in Italy is entirely flat. You can always expect some
up and down along the way. Tropea is a popular tourist destination that has
several lovely sand beaches, well used even in the middle of October. The main
part of Tropea is nestled high on the cliff that overlooks the sea. From far
below, the railing and the umbrellas that are a part of the main piazza entice
the traveller to climb the cliffside and join the throng of people in the
village. The choice is a long slow walk to the top or, in our case, a long
winding drive up narrow streets often on precipitous cliffs.
Once we arrived in the centre
of Tropea, we parked the car and meandered among the myriad of tourists who had
reached this destination before us. Shops were open and offered all the
trinkets you would expect to find in a beach/tourist town. None of this was of much interest to us. What
we did want was a cappuccino at a table under an umbrella overlooking the beach
far below.
We found a shady spot with a
wonderful view and were served a very good cappuccino. Standing nearby was
another couple speaking English. We engaged in a conversation with them (they
live less than an hour away from us in Canada) and spent the next hour
comparing notes of our experiences in Italy. All of us were very happy to be
speaking English for a short while.
We finally parted ways just
in time to see a wedding parade come through town. Several cars filled with
happy and jubilant wedding guests followed the bride and groom as they honked
their way up streets and down, inviting others to acknowledge and celebrate
their special day with them. It was quite fun to see them.
And now, back into the car to
continue our tour of the backroads of Calabria. I must say that on this leg of
the journey, Jim did manage to find some very, very backroads!!
We were exploring some points
of view, some lookouts high on the cliffs. In order to get to each one, it was
necessary to wind our way up and down the mountainsides along roads that would
not be considered main thoroughfares by anyone’s standards. There was also a
train line that passed through this landscape and we needed to cross it several
times. Sometimes there was a level crossing; sometimes there was an overpass.
But on one occasion, we needed to drive through a short tunnel that was only
inches higher than the car (a truck could not have used this road) and only
inches wider. We stopped to take a photo because it seemed so unbelievable.
Little did we know what was ahead for us on the rest of this journey.
There were times that we were
on roads so narrow that we could not have passed by another vehicle if we had
encountered one. Happily, no one else was crazy enough to be on these roads as
they climbed higher and higher into the mountains with no end in sight.
One road was so steep that we
could hardly get out of first gear. There was no place to turn around but we
truly did not know where we were going to end up or even if the road would
reach an intersection at the other end. And then, we ran upon the boulder that
had fallen from the cliff above us.
There was no way to tell if it had fallen today or a month ago. Either
way, it was blocking our path and causing some concern lest another boulder
come tumbling down. Jim tried to move the boulder to no avail. It was huge! And
since we could not turn around, we had no choice but to create an off road
trail that would enable us to get past the boulder and carry on our way. It was
an adventure to be sure! My biggest fear, other than another boulder coming
down, was that the road would have no exit and we would have to reverse our
course and pass by the boulder again! There was a happy ending when we finally
came to an intersection with another small road …. But by contrast the second
road looked like a major highway and we gladly turned the corner and carried
on. That we successfully found our way back to the hotel goes without saying
because here I am writing about the tale. Whew!
Once I had recovered from
driving on that road, I delivered an ultimatum that went something like, “Take
me back to the hotel!” And so we found the coastal road again and had a very
pleasant drive down, a long way down, to the seashore again, enjoying the wide
range of agricultural land and crops along the way and looking forward to being
back in Pizzo.
When we arrived in Pizzo, we
followed the instructions on the GPS (Garmin) to take us back to our hotel. We
did not expect Garmin to find a shortcut that took us down a steep cliff road,
through a bus parking lot, up a steep narrow passageway that was filled with
pedestrians headed to the busses, and then onto a narrow one way road system
that led us right into the main piazza of the town. Nonetheless we made it
through this entire obstacle course and happily found our hotel again. What a
Before long though, we headed
out again, this time in search of a reward. Pizzo is the town where tartufo
(rich chocolate ice cream infused with a decadent chocolate sauce) was invented
and we were on our way to the best gelateria in town to enjoy this tasty treat.
We found our way … only to learn that our destination was in the very piazza
that we had passed through only an hour earlier. We decided this time to park
elsewhere and walk to the café. What a great idea! The piazza was crowded with
people enjoying a beautiful Sunday afternoon in the sun and sea air. We joined
the throng and were soon enjoying a delicious, decadent dish of tartufo. It was
We finished out the day on a
beach near our hotel watching the sun set over the Gulf of Santa Eufemia.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving from Scalea, everyone!
Immediately following
breakfast, we left our hotel in Pizzo and headed to Statti, the headquarters of
this family owned company that produces both olive oil and world class wine.
Under ordinary circumstances, tours are not available for independent
travellers but today there was a Swedish tour bus booked to visit the
facilities and Katia, the local tour coordinator invited us to join them.
Happily, the tour was to be conducted in English.
The tour began in a grove of
ancient olive trees, many of them more than one hundred years old. Their
gnarled trunks and widespread branches surely held many tales of times past.
They still produce an abundant crop of very large olives which would be
harvested within the next three weeks.
For harvesting, nets are spread under the olive trees and a machine gently shakes each tree so that the olives fall to the ground. The olives are then gathered in the nets as quickly as possible and taken to the production facility where they are put through an olive press to extract the oil within a very few hours from falling from the tree. Katia, our guide, assured us that this is how to ensure that the olive oil is very fresh virgin oil of high quality.
For harvesting, nets are spread under the olive trees and a machine gently shakes each tree so that the olives fall to the ground. The olives are then gathered in the nets as quickly as possible and taken to the production facility where they are put through an olive press to extract the oil within a very few hours from falling from the tree. Katia, our guide, assured us that this is how to ensure that the olive oil is very fresh virgin oil of high quality.
We continued our walk to the
winery about a kilometer down a lovely farm lane. From the winery, which is
perched on the edge of a hill, we were able to see much of the estate owned by
this family business. Over 1200 acres, much of it filled with olive groves,
citrus groves and vineyards stretched as far as the eye could see. Fields where
corn, grain and hay are produced were ploughed and cultivated ready for the
planting of next season’s crop. The harvests from these fields are used to feed
the large milking herd of cattle that lives on the farm. The cattle produce 6600
litres of milk each day.
We entered the wine
production facility and the process of labeling and packing the bottles was
well underway. The grapes are harvested in late August and put through a grape
press from which the resulting liquid is placed in large tanks where the
fermentation process begins. After several days, the fluid is transferred to
wooden barrels made from French oak where it is aged for a number of months (up
to 18) depending on the type of wine that is being produced. Interesting to
note that each oak barrel can be used three times for wine production and then
must be retired and sold for other purposes. Each barrel costs approximately
$1000.00 when it is new. That is quite an investment in barrels over the years.
When it has reached the
appropriate maturity, the wine is bottled and then passed through an automated
labeling machine which attaches two identifying labels to each bottle. The
bottles are then hand packed in boxes of twelve and packaged together on
pallets ready for shipping.
It was great to learn that several wines from Statti, this producer, are available in Ontario at our local liquor stores.
It was great to learn that several wines from Statti, this producer, are available in Ontario at our local liquor stores.
At the end of the tour, we
were offered the opportunity to taste three varieties of wines produced in
house. Of course, we enjoyed each of them. What we also enjoyed was the lunch
that was served with the wine – Calabrian cheese, meats, bread and olive oil
accompanied by a lovely rice salad. What a treat!!
After we left the winery, we
headed along the coastal road on our way to Scalia, a bit further north along
the west coast of Italy. The road was good, the traffic light and the views of
the sea were magnificent!
We arrived in Scalea about 3
pm and checked into our hotel. Another great find, Jim! With a sea view room
and close to the pool. We skyped with our family and then it was not long until
we were in our suits and on our way to the beach.
The beach here is a pebble
beach, the rocks well worn by the wind and waves. It was surprisingly easy to
walk on. The water was as smooth as glass and so clear that the every pebble on
the bottom of the ocean floor was visible. We gingerly entered the water which
was actually surprisingly warm. The seafloor close to the shore had a gradual
slope but then it dropped off much more quickly. We were floating! The salt
water certainly helped to support Jim! And we stayed in for a long time.
We watched with fascination
as a boat was launched at a nearby marina. The boats here are all stored on dry
land. When one needs to be launched, a crane moves into position and lifts the
boat from its ‘parking spot’ with two large canvas straps and carries it to the
water’s edge. The boat is lowered to the ground and the passengers climb on
board. Then the crane lifts the boat again and extends its arm out over the
water. The boat is gently lowered to the water’s surface with the motor on the
deeper side. The straps are loosened and the boat gently manouevers free and
heads out to the deep blue sea. When the boat returns to shore, the reverse
process occurs and before very long, the boat is safely back in its original
‘parking space’.
We reluctantly left the sea
just as the sun was beginning to set in the western sky. A brief stop at the
pool completed our water journey for the day. (The pool water was somewhat
warmer than the sea water.)
Back to our room to watch the
sunset (quite obscured by clouds today) and to get ready for dinner. We planned
to go to a local restaurant, La Rondinella, that was highly acclaimed in Trip
Advisor. We were very happy that we chose this place. The service was
wonderful; the food amazing (all local Calabrian dishes) and we learned that
this family run restaurant actually owns a farm just outside of Scalea where
they grow most of the foods used in the restaurant and even raise the animals
there as well. It is open to the public so guess where we are going tomorrow
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Breakfast and then into
Scalea to have a look around. It was a very quiet town, clearly attuned to
tourists with a café at every turn. Although they were all open, there were not
many customers as tourist season is well and truly over in this part of Italy.
We did pause to indulge our penchant for cappuccino and stopped for a few
And then, into the car and
out of town, on our way to find La Rondinella, the farm! Very soon, we met with
success and drove down the long farm laneway until we reached the parking area
and the home of the owners.
La Rondinella is a working
farm that is part of the growing agri-tourism business that is being developed
in Calabria. Food and food production is a major element of the culture in this
part of Italy, in large part because the climate is so conducive to a wide wide
range of crop production. Everything from citrus fruits (oranges, lemons,
mandarins, limoncedro (large green fruit tasting something like a lime but
about 8 times the size) ) to fruits found in more temperate climates (apples,
pears, peaches, strawberries, melons, grapes, persimmons, pomegranates);
vegetables galore, many of which thrive in all seasons (beans, tomatoes, corn,
peppers of all kinds, onions, potatoes, fennel, eggplant, squash, zucchini,
cucumbers, licorice and herbs of all kinds); animals of many varieties (pigs,
cattle, rabbits, chickens, fish (especially swordfish), wild boar); breads and
rolls in many shapes and flavours, rice, corn for polenta; nuts (hazelnuts,
peanuts, walnuts, almonds). You get the picture. Food is plentiful and
delicious and local recipes have been developed to use the fresh produce in
many tasty and unique ways. Some of these recipes have evolved into alcoholic
beverages, especially wines and liqueurs. Many households have their own house
brands of these precious liquids. Many restaurants also serve locally made
wine, grappa, limoncello and vecchio amaro del capo (a rich licorice liqueur).
No LCBO here!!!
Now, back to La Rondinella.
We were invited to go on a lovely walk among the vineyards, the olive groves,
the citrus orchards and the vegetable gardens, all of which were in high
production. We were also given a tour of the animal compound where we saw
chickens, newly born piglets, rabbits, and geese. As well, we were allowed a
peek into the building where the array of preserves is kept. An amazing feast
of colour and containers appeared before our eyes – melons hung from the
ceiling, peppers clinging in bunches from hooks on the walls, jars and jars of
preserved fruits and vegetables, as pesto, as jellies, as salsa, as relishes,
and, of course, the large barrels of house wine and other fruit ‘juices’. It
was a sight to behold.
Set high on a hilltop, this
farm offers stunning views of the countryside and the sea in every direction.
High mountains rise to the east and the Tyrrhenian Sea glistens in the west.
Steep valleys provide texture to the surrounding terrain and the red roofs of
Scalea cascade down the distant hillsides to the sea. It is truly an exquisite
Following our delightful
exploration of the gardens and orchards of La Rondinella, we were invited to be
seated at a table in the covered patio area where our lunch would be served. It
was a dining extravaganza, to say the least. I am still not sure how we managed
to consume so much food.
We started with the house red
wine (vino rosso) and a basket of home made bread. Soon dish after dish of
beautifully prepared foods began to arrive. First came the tempura zucchini. Roasted and filled
eggplant was followed closely by an
eggplant and pepper dish. Then came potatoes mixed with tomato and herbs and a
delicious dish of zucchini greens with peppers and grated parmesan. At this
point we indicated that we had had enough to eat and would be happy just to
nibble on the bread. A look of surprise and disappointment came over the face
of the young woman serving us and she asked us if we would prefer not to have
the antipasto platter they had prepared for us. What could we say?
amazing platter of antipasto (parma
ham, dried green tomatoes, pickled onion, black olives, salami, fresh ricotta
cheese, peccorino cheese) arrived at the table and we
ate every bit of it! Were we finished yet? We certainly hoped so …. But they
had picked some tomatoes from the garden (we actually saw this happen) and
prepared them specially for us. So the tomato dish arrived – tomatoes seasoned
with fresh herbs and garnished with salted and herbed sardines. Once again, we
suggested that we were totally satisfied (truly stuffed to the gills) but were
again overridden because the freshly made pasta and sauce was already prepared
and in dishes to be served. So, we indulged in fresh homemade pasta with tomato
sauce accompanied by an array of garden fresh peppers (picante) and fresh
grated parmesan cheese. Truly amazing!!!
we care for some fruit now? Yes!!! A sensible dessert!! And a platter of apple,
melon, mandarins and persimmon was delivered to us. Delicious! But wait …. That
was not dessert. No …. Another dish had been prepared in the kitchen, just a
teeny-tiny portion. We demurred and out came full servings of delicate sponge
cake with strawberry cream topped with fresh currants. Surely we were finished
now. Well, yes, in a way …. But the limoncedro (not to be confused with
limoncello) was brought to the table, clearly straight from the freezer with
two very cold glasses. We were left with the bottle and the glasses and
encouraged to indulge … which, of course, we did. Jim did have more than I since
I was driving. And finally, the coffee. Two excellent cappucini (plural of
cappuccino) truly finished the meal!!
you may be wondering what a meal such as this would cost …. And so were we!! We
had not seen a menu and had simply accepted whatever they offered us, knowing
that is would be high quality and extremely tasty. We were not disappointed
with any of the dishes we devoured. And the total bill? Including wine, liqueur,
appetizers galore, pasta, fruit, dessert and coffee? It was 50 Euros (about $70.00).
We were astounded at how reasonable the price was considering that all the food
was fresh and prepared at the time in the kitchen.
copious thanks and praise, we waddled back to the car and simply sat for a few
minutes before we had the energy even to turn the engine on. We already knew
there would be no dinner tonight!
continuation of our country drive took us to the village of Santa Domenica
Talao , high in the mountains to the east of Scalea. When the roads began to
get a bit treacherous as they narrowed and steepened, we decided it was time to
turn the car back toward Scalea and head for our hotel.
the weather today was not the best so swimming was not very appealing this
afternoon. I am really happy we took advantage of the perfect conditions
yesterday. Maybe tomorrow ….
In the meantime, we are happily settled in our room, organizing photos, writing this diary, catching up on email and generally relaxing. No worries about where to have dinner tonight. Our small bag of fruit was more than enough to satisfy us. Not even the thought of gelato could entice us out of the hotel.
will be a new day!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013.
Well, the weather did not
improve overnight. The view from our balcony was beautiful nonetheless with the
Tyrranean Sea stretching as far as the eye could see. But the sky was grey and
the air felt like rain was not far away.
Today was a travel day for
us. Scalea to Salerno along the coast road for much of it. We deliberately
chose that route rather than the freeway so that we could be close to the sea
and meander through all the small towns along the way.
The road along the coast
turned out to be spectacular! One of the best we have driven so far. I might
even say that this coastline rivaled the Amalfi coast for beauty and
breathtaking moments as the road twisted and turned high above the water,
descended and ascended at eye-opening angles with only a small retaining wall
separating the car from disaster. At one point, we passed a sign that indicated
we would be descending on a 12% grade. Yikes, that is steep! The thing that
made this road more fun than Amalfi was the absolute lack of traffic. Being
free of other vehicles along the road allowed us to savour the scene and soak
in the beauty of what we were experiencing. We stopped at each pull out along
the road, took photos and drew our breath in in awe of the scene. The dark
clouds in the sky overhead and on the horizon only made the scene more
We finally reached the end of
the ‘good road’ along the coast. Once again, we chose the local road over the
freeway but for the next stretch of the road we would be travelling through the
coastal mountain range. It was just as dramatic as the coast road was. We
climbed higher and higher, travelling along mountain edges looking down into
steep and deep valleys below. Occasional villages appeared and the road
narrowed as we made our way along tiny passages between age old buildings. In
some cases, traffic signals were used to effectively create an alternating one
way road system through these mountain towns. That the towns stretched out
along a single road was testament to how steep the mountain slopes were. There
was simply no space to build a second road.
As we climbed higher and
higher, we finally reached the low lying clouds. Hmmm …. Driving through the
clouds feels a lot like driving through fog! Not much visibility on this very
precarious road punctuated with sharp corners and astounding changes in
elevation. The trip was a lot less fun at the moment.
And then the rain came!! Not
just a little rain …. Torrential rain!! Sufficient that we actually pulled off
the road for a short while so that it might pass. What we realized though was
that the rain was unlikely to stop while we remained at such a high elevation
and were surrounded by clouds so we gingerly continued along our way. After
what seemed like a very long way, we had descended enough that we were at least
out of the clouds and the rain abated somewhat.
But there was a new
phenomenon along the road now. Chestnuts! Yes …. Chestnuts!! This climatic zone
clearly supported the growth of chestnut trees – hundreds and hundreds of them.
And that was just what we could see from the road. Who knows what the rest of
the forest held? And, it is autumn so the chestnuts were maturing and falling
from the trees. Large fuzzy burrs that protected the cherished nuts. The road
surface was littered with thousands of these burrs, making it a bit slippery to
drive on and noisy as well. As we passed through the chestnut area, the tired
crunched on the burrs and made the sound that is familiar to those of us
familiar with driving along newly graded gravel roads.
So …. Clouds, rain and now
chestnuts. All unexpected components of this road trip. Yet they all added to
the texture of the day as we made our way through the mountains. Amazing
scenery …. And lots of chestnuts to be collected by the local residents and
presumably, roasted by the open fire.
At long last, we made it back
down to sea level and stopped in a charming seaside village for a much needed
coffee. And then pressed on toward Salerno in somewhat improved weather and
greatly improved road conditions.
We planned to make a stop at
Paestum, a town close to our destination. Paestum is worth a visit because it
has three of the best preserved Greek temples anywhere in the world. Prior to
Roman rule, there was a large Greek presence in the south of Italy. These
temples were built in approximately 500 BC. 2500 years later they are still
standing. Remarkable.
In fact, there was a very
large Greek town here, most of which remains buried under the current town of
Paestum. What has been excavated is now in a protected site that covers many
acres of land. Along with the three amazing temples, there are the outlines of
several streets and the buildings that lined them along with an amphitheatre
and other public gathering places. It must have been a lively place in its day.
We completed our drive to
Salerno along the coast at sea level, once again enjoying the views of the
vivid blue/green water. The weather had improved by this point and we were enjoying
sunshine once again. (Salerno is described as Italy’s sunniest city.) The wind
was strong though and the water in the sea was restless. Whitecaps were
churning on the surface and boats in the water were bobbing with the rise and
fall of the waves. We were happy to be on terra firma.
In Salerno, we returned to
the same hotel we had enjoyed the first time we were there. We were even given
the same room with the same wonderful sea view. Pizza for dinner and our day
was complete.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
We spent the morning in the
old section of Salerno, enjoying meandering along the old cobbled streets and
admiring the displays in the store windows. We were actually headed for two
museums that hold precious works of art.
The first was the Museo
Pinacoteca Provinciale di Salerno. It was there that we were able to view a piece
of art, among the earliest created by Andrea Sabatini. It was in the form of a polyptych, a panel of
painting consisting of three or more sections that are hinged together and can
be folded up for storage or to be moved from one place to another. Painted in
1512, this work featured Madonna and Saints. We sat for a long while on a bench
soaking in the beauty of this painting. The entire work seemed cloaked in a
gold hue which added to the aura of the moment.
We then moved onto the Museo
Archeologico Provinciale di Salerno. This museum is housed in an ancient
monastery which creates a wonderful sense of history simply by entering into
it. The museum is filled with artifacts from the earliest days of life in the
area. Many of these have been retrieved from burial crypts, personal objects of
value buried with the person who died. The museum was well organized,
manageable in size and the displays provided insight into life in the area over
a long period of time. It was a delight to spend time in this museum. One of
the most important pieces in the museum is the bronze sculpture of the head of
Apollo. This sculpture was retrieved from the Gulf of Salerno in 1930,
caught in fishing nets, where it is estimated to have been for almost 2500
years. The sculpture itself has remarkable detail including beautiful facial
and hair features. It is amazingly well preserved. It does cause one to wonder
where it came from and how it had avoided being found over all those years.
And now it was time for us to
leave Salerno, a city we have come to enjoy very much. It is geographically
beautiful and wonderfully hospitable. It offers a range of points of interest,
everything from natural habitat, to historical settings to wonderful art. This
city will remain a favourite for us.
Next stop – Pompeii! We said
farewell to the sea for the last time as we headed inland. It was a fairly
short distance to Pompeii from Salerno and we made the trip without getting
Jim once again found a
terrific hotel, not far from the Scavi di Pompeii. We checked in and proceeded
directly to the ruins of Pompeii. One is immediately overwhelmed by the size of
the vacant city. And it is said that only a small portion of it has been
uncovered, that most of the original city of Pompeii remains buried under the
city that now exists.
We meandered along the
streets and entered the buildings that were open for visitors. We were
astounded by what we saw in each one. Life in Pompeii in the first century AD
was very sophisticated. Homes were mostly 2 stories tall with several rooms
within for specific purposes. Homes were designed around central courtyards,
many of them made from marble. Frescoes remained visible, though, faint, on the
walls in many places and the original paint colours of red, orange and blue
were visible on many walls. Some of the painting even had decorative effects embedded
in the colour (eg white stripes used as a border effect along some walls).
Columns were a design feature in many households and the plaster was applied in
decorative and artistic ways. Gargoyles resided on the edges of roofs and
decorative flowers and other designs adorned the top of the columns. Design was
also evident in the layout of the homes; the central courtyard often lined up
with windows overlooking the garden. Light flooded in and the beauty of the
garden was visible from many angles.
Roads and streets were well
laid out and, in many cases, ‘paved’ with stones. Sidewalks paralleled the main
streets, somewhat higher than the road surface to enable people to embark or
alight from carriages that were travelling through the city. Large stones,
strategically placed across the streets provided level crosswalks for
pedestrians. The flat stones were positioned in such a way that the wheels of
the carriages could pass between them and make their way along the streets
without impediment.
Public services were
available at various places throughout this lively community. Snackbars were
common along the main streets, set up and run by the families in the homes
where they existed. Ovens and large ceramic pots for hot dishes were embedded
into countertops, often decorated with ceramic tile. Public baths were
available. The facility we visited was amazing in it beauty and size. Laundry
facilities were centrally available. It was considered unsavoury to do your own
laundry in your home due to the fact that urine was the primary stain removal
agent of the day. Large tubs and running water were all built into the laundry
area, operated by the lower class members of this community.
A large central square for
public events was located in what might have been the centre of town at one
time. Columns rose along the edges to the sky; a stage dominated one end where
one could imagine opera and other presentations occurring. The east side of the
square was a large market area and the west side was a granary.
The buildings that have been
uncovered are in various conditions. Some, other than the roofs, escaped the
disaster relatively intact. Details in the homes such as storage areas, layout
of rooms, kitchen organization and decorative features were as they had been 2000
years ago. Gardens have been recreated in some locations, using the same holes
for the plants as were used in the original city. Archeologists have managed to
map these gardens using cement pucks to mark where each plant had grown.
The entire ancient city of
Pompeii is astounding in so many ways. And yet, disaster struck. It was almost
incomprehensible to imagine the fear, the bewilderment and ultimately the
suffering of the entire population of this city as the Mount Vesuvius erupted
and its ash fell with such force that it buried the city and everything in it
alive. An entire city snuffed out in a few short hours. To ponder the strength
of this event, the volume of ash, the impact of the poisonous gasses causes
deep sadness and, I have to admit, a little fear. What an astounding event in
Vesuvius rises above the city
even today, looking benign in its presence and its beauty. Its power is awesome
to imagine. And, although it last erupted in 1944, it is still considered a
highly volatile and active volcano. When …. And what if?
This finishes our road trip
through Italy. Tomorrow we head for Rome where we will spend our final week. We
will return the car to the rental agency and be on our feet or public transit
for the next seven days. When in Rome ……
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